Monday, February 02, 2009


Wrote this one evening after playing one of my pc games. Really enjoyed writing it. first time in a long while i've enjoyed writing a piece of fiction.

the last of the flames die down
the last drop of blood falls from the blade
still i stand, though my head swims.

where am i, who are these people,
fine robes, beautifully carved staves,
broken shelves line the walls, books and arcane instruments litter the floor

pages soaking up the blood of those my rage slayed
what do i remember, why did i lash out


i stumble around, realisation of what i have done
hitting me like a hammer blow to the gut
i cannot breathe, i collapse to the floor
vomiting and crying, unable to compose myself.

oblivion becons, i allow myself to slip into its comforting arms.

was that a nightmare,
did I do that

rough white walls, smell of incense in the air.
an air of quiet, a small room,
a bed and stool, nothing much else.

footsteps approach
a stranger with a concerned face enters
a small smile to see i'm awake
i start to ask where i am, but sleep takes me

peaceful sleep, devoid of nightmare visions

i wake again, cold sweats and terrors replaced by clarity.
i'm in an abbey in the forests near my home.
i remember again the events in the tower.

this place seems warded against fear,
i feel a presence in the room, though no-one is there

something went wrong with my practice,
something about what i was doing awakened ... something inside me
despite the wards i do not wish to name it .. yet

my body wasn't in my control,
thankfully whatever it was,
left, it's rage sated by the slaughter it wrought with my body.

later that day, the abbot visits
a kindly but strong man, with an aura of command about him.
he tells me what he beleives happened.

sins of the father, paid for by the daughter
my soul a beacon for things beyond our world

a power i must control, or the events in the tower will repeat themselves.
a burden i bear, a power i despise to touch,
but cannot leave alone lest it wrestles control away from me.

when my father died, he marked my soul
the soul of his unborn offspring
growing in the belly of a young woman who had no idea who she had lain with.

the creatures of the pit can now see my soul when i open myself to the power i have trained all my life to master.
however, this curse is a double edged sword. for i see them too. and with training, i will be able to twist and use them against themselves and their kind, as they did to me on that day.

my struggle begins...
my life as it was, at an end,
left in tatters along with the bodies of my tutors

a new life, a life of struggle so far from the life of comfort I had dared hope for
but it's what i have